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SSL Security and DDoS Protection Included as Standard by INCO

blog cloudfare protect school websites

In 2015, when DDoS attacks on schools were unheard of, one of INCO's clients was attacked with a 2Gbps attack. A DDoS attack on a school was unheard of at that time. Typical attack targets would be multi-national's like Sony, Xbox and iTunes. We didn't, and don't, host any sites that would have been considered targets.

We put measures in place to mitigate the attack and partnered with Cloudflare to provide DDoS protection for all our clients.

Since then we have provided this as standard for websites affected at the time, for all new websites and on an opt-in basis for all other sites on our latest CMS system.

We are now adding to this service by adding free DV SSL to existing and new clients with our latest CMS system.

SSL can be added to your website in a few hours - subject to your website content meeting SSL requirements.


Notes: (1) SSL only applies to URL's starting with "www", the root domain without "www" is not encrypted. The unencrypted root domain will, however, re-direct to the encrypted "www" version. (2) SSL is only provided as standard on our current CMS systems. For customers on older systems, SSL will be offered for free as part of an upgrade to the current CMS system. (3) DV (domain validated) SSL is provided for no additional charge. Upgrades to OV and EV certificates are available. (4) Embedded non-SSL content, e.g. iframes, will not work with SSL and will need to be relinked to SSL versions. (5) Windows XP does not support Free SSL.

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